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Work Experience
Work Experience
The transition from an academic environment to the real world can be daunting for many students. Here at Leasowes High School we aim to help our students to prepare for the work of world by carrying out work experience during year 10. All year 10 students are supported and encouraged to secure a one week work placement in order to gain valuable experience in the world of work.
Work experience allows students to gain soft skills that employers look for, communications skills, team work, problem solving, time management and motivation. All of which are essential to have in the workplace and are highly valued by employers.
Work experience has many advantages, it will help students decide if the role or industry is somewhere they might want to work in the future. By shadowing and observing colleagues – and asking them questions about what they do – they will have the opportunity to find out first-hand if the job is for them. This will help them make more informed choices about their career.
With so much competition for entry level jobs and apprenticeships it’s important to stand out from the crowd. Students who have gained some experience in the roles they’re applying for will be at an advantage. Employers value candidates who can show that they’re proactive and motivated enough to get their foot in the door having done some work experience.
Along with the soft skills and technical skills developed on their placement, they will have the chance to build their confidence within a professional working environment and interact with adults outside their personal network. They will develop and grow as an individual, reflecting on everything they achieved during their placement. This is an essential part of their professional development and will set them apart from their less-experienced peers.
We welcome parental support in helping their son/daughter to find a work placement and encourage parents to help them secure an appropriate placement in an industry that they have an interest in. Students in year 9 are issued with work experience packs just before the summer holiday in order that they can research a work placements over the summer holidays and return in year 10 with their placement reserved.