Recent News
School Life

Student Support
High Achievers
Award Winning Enrichment and Masterclass Programme.
Mr. Haines (Associate Senior Leader) leads the highly successful ‘Gryphon’ Programme. The programme is a dedicated provision which aims to enhance the learning and develop challenge in the curriculum through the provision of dedicated after school sessions, work with other educational institutions including Halesowen College and Worcester University, and self-study. These combined aspects provide a ‘Grammar Stream’ within the school that provides additional opportunities for more able students.
Leasowes High School has worked with Halesowen College and Worcester University to deliver a University Access Project for Year 9. This has involved groups of talented students taking part in enrichment activities at the College. Students have had the opportunity of developing their photography, media, fashion, dance and musical theatre skills through workshop activities. Year 10 have also followed a business based programme focus on such areas as marketing, accounts and the law.
Two groups of students also visited Worcester University where they learnt about University life, took part in problem- solving workshops and attended multimedia lectures.
Leasowes High School students engaged so well, and made such a good impression that the school was presented with an award from both Halesowen College and Worcester University.
Co-operation with Halesowen College has developed further and has enabled Year 8 students to attend a Dance Festival. In addition further opportunities are being explored both with Halesowen College and Birmingham University.
A dedicated programme of after school sessions has been made available to all students this year with the aim of developing both their general and curriculum knowledge.
Topics which have been offered have included Formal Etiquette, Latin, Music through the Ages, How to Waltz, and The Golden Ratio. The programme of after school sessions has been extended to ensure that all students have the opportunity of attending a minimum of two sessions per term.
Individual interest, creativity and self-study are encouraged through the Imagine Project in Years 7 and 8, and through The Extended Project Qualification in Years 9 and 10. The Imagine project enables Key Stage 3 students to develop independent study skills by researching and presenting on an area of interest to both their peers and parents at a ‘Showcase Evening’. Older students have the opportunity of undertaking The Extended Project Qualification in order to gain additional UCAS (University qualification) points, again studying a subject of their choice.
Leasowes High School aims to provide new opportunities for students and to this end a highly successfully Year 10 Tea Dance is a fixed event on the school calendar, enabling students to waltz and experience a formal night out. In addition the school is offering the opportunity for students to visit Iceland during Easter 2017.
The ‘Gryphon’ programme has significantly developed student learning and aspiration and will further inspire them next year!